5 Running Tips for Seniors

Senior citizens are constantly being reminder of the importance of physical activity and exercise as they get older. With the many challenges of aging, the body and the mind benefit from being active. Older adults who were active before retirement tend to continue with their regimen while aging. They still want to stay fit and in shape so they keep doing their exercises and other physical activities that help keep their cardiovascular system, muscular system, and immune systems working properly. Some older adults start their physical activity after retirement now that they have the time to do so. Baltimore Home Care has some tips for you;

The exercises that most older adults engage in are usually low impact, strength training, and muscle and tone movements. Many seniors enjoyed running when they were younger, and into their golden years. This activity is great for physical and mental health, but the older adult needs to be more cautious of the impact of running on an aging body.

1. Be Aware of Your Limitations

If your senior loved one is a beginner, you should encourage them to know their limitations. They should see their doctor first in order to know if the body can adapt to any increased ability in any form. Once that is done, the senior should find a running program for beginners.

2. Stretch

You older adult should learn how to stretch because this is an important step to the run. It may be annoying, but it should not be overlooked. Stretching helps lower the risk of injury, and prepares the runner mentally. The older adult should take their time and stretch all of the muscle fibers that will be used for the run like the legs, back muscles, and hamstring.

3. Build Up Endurance Gradually

Your senior loved one should not be overly ambitious when they start their run. They must stop when they get tired. If this means that they can only run for ten minutes in the beginning they should stop there, and try for more time as they stick with the routine. They will be able to run longer after a period of time.

4. Resting Is Very Important When Running

This activity does not need to be done every day. Two or three time per week is typically a good amount of time. The body needs to rest and repair the muscles especially if the runner is in their golden years. Resting for a day in between runs is vital. Sometimes, doing some yoga in between running days is always a welcomed activity to the body.

5. Diet Is Essential

Home Care Baltimore understands that improving the diet always has an influence on athletic performance, and so it is the same for the senior runner. A diet rich in fiber and carbs is an excellent choice because carbs are a basic fuel for the body that gives it energy. Choose healthy carbs like oats, brown rice, quinoa, and sweet potatoes. Cut down on white rice, white potatoes, and white bread which are the simple carbs. Eat more fruit and leafy green vegetables, and the older adult will enjoy their run.

Published by Assisting Hands - Serving Baltimore County & Surrounding Areas

Assisting Hands of Baltimore County is a home health care agency in Maryland. Certified Home health aides allow our clients to remain safely at home.

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